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Old June 23rd, 2002
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
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Originally posted by Moe Szyslak
(Incidentally, if I'm downloading from someone who's uploading, which of us is the "Client?")
The client is the prog you need to access the net, Limewire, bearshare, Gnucleus etc.

I assume that it's dependent on how many files each of us is uploading and downloading at the time, right?
Yes and no, DSL connections are "normally" full duplex, this means that there is no affect to your download speed if your upload speed is at maximun - so you have FULL bandwidth in both ways... only modem users 56k and less are the unlucky people here, if they upload something the canīt download "fast"!
The speed is limted by your ISP and how many people are downloading from you... if you offer one slot (only one user can download from) this user has your full bandwidth, if you offer 4 slots your bandwidth is shared by them...

Is there a way I can tell how fast that person's connection is?
You can send a ping but this isnīt very reliable...

Or is there a way for me to find out on my computer how much bandwidth I have, and how it's being used?
Your bandwidth is limited by your ISP, my connection for example has a speed of 768k down and 128k up (8k = 1 kb).

How your bandwidth is used... Limewire shows you exatly for what and how much bandwidth is needed...

Is there a way from me to free up bandwidth on my end to speed up the process?
If you are using other Internet applications you can close them. But you shouldnīt feel guilty because the most clients have multi-source-download, so if you go offline he will find an other source to download from or can resume the download next time you are online - I donīt want to stay online for 24 hours too...

This never seems to work, however. Why not?
Because the most users have a dynamic IP address, this means every time you go online your IP change at least every 24 hours (in Germany), and its possible that the people are not online anymore...

What is that box under the Connections tab for if not what I described above?
Some people have a static IP address. You can also get a static one you need only subcribe to such a service:

The free offer is enough.

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