Morgwen, they are right, there does seem to be a lot of slow down with 1.19 I haven't got it to the extent that i get nothing but it's not far off. at the moment one file out of 6 is downloading. and its only got 1 active. there's 0 busy and 30 buffered. the others vary from 18 to over 400 buffered and they are all stuck on connecting apart from one which is queued. 3 have sources that are busy. sorry, now nothing is downloading. It started with 2 downloading but its just tapered off to nothing, yet there are huge amounts in the buffer.
I'm running WinME, cable modem, 324Mb RAM so its not a lack of resources and 1.18 seemed to be alright even though i'm using WinME. There deffinately seems to be something not quite right.
P.S. there's a copy on 1.18 on my site( if anybody is looking for it