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Old June 4th, 2001
Drabk Drabk is offline
Join Date: June 3rd, 2001
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Posts: 4
Drabk is flying high

Well, there's no easy way to "read" the IP number, that set of four numbers separated by periods, to figure out where it is. You can use other programs to find out generally where that computer is, but it's not really important. It'd be easier to just try many different downloads of the same file from different locations, and keeping the fastest one. This may take some extra time, but it's just the sad truth about Gnutella. Sometimes, you can't get a good speed. The key is being patient with downloads. Set them up and then read a book, and check back on them later. If you have an unlimited time contract with your ISP and you don't mind the extra cents on your power bill, try leaving them going over night.

-D. C-M
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