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Old June 28th, 2002
KayaMan KayaMan is offline
Join Date: April 13th, 2002
Location: The Zoo
Posts: 346
KayaMan is flying high

I totally agree with you others have slowly then slide spyware in, but XoloX made it clear to all they would not add Spyware. If they ever did , you can be sure I'd follow along with everyone else dumping it after lying. But I don't think you'll have to ever see that day.

Cookies from an ad banner ( which most ads send you a cookie ) is not spyware although Ad-aware picks up cookies. You are right, a p2p program has to support itself somehow as long as its not too intrusive. By the way fastclick doesn't collect any info, that cookie it sends is only interested if you have already seen the banner they send. Cookies are a normal part of the net , most cookies are not harmful in any way.