I am a new user of Gnutella well actually I used it one year ago, the difference is that it worked really great for me with a oldfashioned client but now it won't

I am not trying to be a bitch because I really appreciate Gnutella, it just won't work for me now but I am convinced that it's a fault in my configuration. Most of times it says busy or sum and keeps sending resume packets, but after a copple of times it says "couldn't download". I hope somebody knows what causes this problem and has a solution for it, if there is.
I am currently using the LimeWire 1.4 client. (if there's no solution becuz it's just the system GnutellaClients work with, uploadmax /maxupload speed, is there a problem to automaticly keep sending a resume packet after it says couldn't download?)

greetings from holland