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Old June 30th, 2002
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RealBigSwede RealBigSwede is offline
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RealBigSwede is flying high

from an unregistered user Originally posted by Unregistered
I don't turn on cookies anyway.
I don't turn on Java or JavaScript (if you even know what that is or how you can turn it off thanks to Microcroft).
and so on.....

The thing is, that if you have 20 Unregistered user in one tread. Who is who? I don't care if you have an e-mail account or not (if not, why not get one of all this free account) at least I know that I can give the right person my answer. If you are so paranoid, that you hiding, why are you at all on the internet? So. if you using a fake name, who's care. Not me. I think that people is so paranoid because they have somthing to hide.
No, HotMail dosen't come to your house to check out your underware..... I promest that. I have an account with them for years now and no one have come jet. LOL
Mr Benjamin Franklin said somthing that we should remember "People have the goverment they deserve". With other word imoral people imoral goverment or corupt people corupt geverment and so on.... To responce to you freedom quote. I think that says all. And remember that you have to know your history so you don't do the same misstake again.. Yes, freedom is important and goverment should stay out of peoples privet business. And with freedom comes responceblity is not a word that we should hide behind.
But I still say the registered user have the guts to stand for what he/she have said.

Peace and love to all.

Last edited by RealBigSwede; June 30th, 2002 at 09:00 AM.
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