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Old July 3rd, 2002
Gratis Gratis is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: July 3rd, 2002
Posts: 59
Gratis is flying high

So the main point for me, is that in registering for various sites and services, my spam email accounts ( and now receive 170 emails a week that I have to delete (I've long since past the 255 blocked addresses) in order to stay below the 5mb max.

Not only is this annoying and potentially dangerous (pseudo-real subject lines on messages that conatin viruses), but it defeats the purpose of being notified of replies to my messages.

Not registering is not about anonymity -- you will notice that non-registrants' IPs are logged. Registration is just a pain in the butt, especially for anyone with only one or two things to say.

If the moderators would have posted a sticky that says that unregistered guests can enter a nickname to distinguish them, the confusion would have been less.

Again, I was pleased that unregistered users were allowed in these forums. However, now, apparently, unregistered users are no longer allowed to post in the main forum. I do browse these forums a lot so I broke down and registered.

Look what I can do! And this too!
  • or this
  • or even this!!


Oop and even this:

I hope I don't get any junk mail for registering here.

Last edited by Gratis; July 3rd, 2002 at 06:54 AM.
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