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Old July 3rd, 2002
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
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Originally posted by Unregistered
And you have me there, about the deleting of posts, but I thought you only edited posts and deleted them rarely. I have seen where a post is marked "unappropriate post" or something like that, and I don't see many of those in the general forum. So I still wonder what the actual motivation was.
Yes normally but some of us started to delete posts from users that are on the "black list"...

As I said we discussed for some weeks now, sure such threads like this here pushed us more in this direction...

The forums which are closed are:

General Gnutella network discussion
General Gnutella developement

The clients forums are up to the developers to decide if they will stay open or not...

Its still more than other websites offer, have a look at zeropaid there is no OPEN forum...



Registering really donīt hurt , I donīt want to persuade you but this would make things easier...

Last edited by Morgwen; July 4th, 2002 at 03:19 AM.
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