Originally posted by Joakim Agren
You have to take the good with the bad.!
Open Source of all kinds is good just look at Linux.And as far as Gnutella clients are concerned look at LimeWire probably the safest client out there. |
I have nothing against the actual developers that open-source their code (although in the case of Limewire, I think they were stupid to do so). My gripe is with third party companies that come and take this code and do whatever they want with it. These clients (for the most part) do nothing for the network and/or hurt it, and do nothing for the actual developers at the same time.
But ofcourse there will always be some bad ones out there but thats the price we have to pay in order for the network to continue developing fast.Personally I think that the network will just get better and better even if some bad clients comes out hopefully the Gnutella users are smart people and chooses the correct clients. |
Personally, I would rather see slower development, than a quicker death by misbehaving clients and the main developers not getting paid because they were dumb enough to open-source their client.
By the Way Cool No Doubt gif you have there but why dont you like Moby? |
A very wise man by the name of Marshall Mathers once said...
and Moby
you can get stomped by Obie, you 36 year old bald headed fag blow me
You don't know me, you're too old let go its over, nobody listens to techno |

I dunno, I just don't really like him, and when I think of Gwen Stefani, Moby always seems to come to mind.