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Old July 4th, 2002
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
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Originally posted by Gratis
As to stopping flames: I don't like people who insult other people. However, other than deleting spam, I am wholly against censorship. Especially in a forum for those 13+ years old, I don't see any reason to delete "flames" or profanity. Putting the power of censorship into the hands of Moderators or even putting it up to a community vote is to transfer responsiblity away from oneself; if you don't like what someone has to say, ignore it.
I canīt disagree more...

I am/was mod on four websites and there were always people who donīt understand that support donīt mean flaming at the people, so the job of a mod is sure to edit the insults and flames out, or we will loose many members that donīt flame because of some stupid trolls...

This is no censorship if some people are not able to act mature...

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