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Old July 5th, 2002
Cakkie Cakkie is offline
Join Date: May 26th, 2002
Posts: 13
Cakkie is flying high
Default Packet efficiency

How can I raise the efficiency of my client? What is it based on?
When I connect my client to Morpheus (on the same machine), efficiency looks good. Ping 100%, Pong 98.33%. Since I'm not yet connected to other clients, and not yet sending queryhits myself (not implemented yet, but I route incoming correctly), the others are at 0%.

When I connect my client to some other client on the internet, and start forwarding there packages to Morpheus, my ping efficiency drops to say 30%, pong stays where it was (high in the 90's). Query is really bad (15%), queryhit is 100% (as I said, I'm routing them correct).

How can I get up the Query and ping percentages? Are there specific algorytms for querys and pings?

Also, 1 other question. Althoug my pong efficiency looks good, I came across a term called pong-caching. What is meant by this? The only thing I *cache* are IPs and GUIDs. Must I keep other data as well, and what can I do with it?

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