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  #81 (permalink)  
Old July 6th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Morgwen
Did you ever think that maybe my employer would FIRE ME if he ever found out I am the one posting here?
Your personal behaviour which may or may not infringe your place-of-work rules are entirely your own affair and morality.

Now I have to use a different password at every new site I register at to be secure.
Is the password database here really secure?
I am affiliated with over 1.000 sites which require registration... I use the same variation of password on all of them.
I receive ZERO spam.

I don't have the faintest idea how to access your password... I am certain that it is not available to ANY moderator. We can view IPs, that is all. Any further info is included in your profile which is available for all registered posters to view..... If you do not wish your 'registration e-mail address' to be displayed, you simply elect for it to be 'hidden'.

There are lots of reasons to not register, and you should weigh the flames against the contributions by unregistered users and respect the fact that we wish to remain anon here.
All points you raise WERE weighed, ad nauseum.... not in an afternoon of chat. The benefits associated with all users being able to 'access' one another is the 'winning hand'.

[quoute]And again, sorry Morg, why are you the only one defending this stupid decision? You sit here and take all this but yet it was all the other mods who made the decision. They all just duck and cover and leave you to justify this?[/quoute]Morgwen is a good guy here. Got that? he is not alone in supporting/defending these changes.
It was by concensus that the changes were implemented.

Last edited by ursula; July 6th, 2002 at 11:13 PM.
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