Unregistered user? Why so...
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July 6th, 2002
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Join Date: June 22nd, 2002
Location: Somewhere in USA
Posts: 151
Originally posted by Morgwen
I see no problem, we donīt want to close all forums... and we are planing to add an open "rant" forum...
Morgwen, GREAT. I Like That.
I still see the problems with some people that is not reg... they are Chicken shi** and they are hide behind the unreg user status, so they don't have to take responcebility for what they say. They like to attack everybody especial reg user and then run and hide, because they can't atack any unreg user because that means that their own argunent falling flat, because that will attack themself, and they know that they can't get kicked off because of the status...and they are so paranoid to the extend that they are getting stupid. I can see a guest that have a question first time and posting it here and then get the answer and like what the see and hear and then reg.. but, day in and day out attacking reg... is just plain stupit and cowardes. Yes that is my opinion!!! If you reg... it will take a few minuts and then you can do the stuff that you complaining about you can't now..
So far I haven't heard ONE good reason not to become and reg user, from you.
[color=orange-red]No, I don't attacking all unreg user only the dumb ones.
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