OK 5.0 is running for about 1 hour .
but I am not happy with the search results, and i see a lot of ping timeouts .
so i closed and restarted 5.0, and started 4.6 as well .
the settings are identical,resetted the hostcatchers, and here are the results after 15 min after resetting the statistics ;
112 hosts
1635 files
219.73 gb
search for "stones" 1293 results
best shared search count 1630
3 uploads
5579 hosts
1811754 files
4.51 Tb
search for "stones" 2678 results
best shared search count 280 (same file as in 5.0)
no uploads
15 min later, after a complete reset of both clients I had the same sort of results
4.6 performs better for downloading than 5.0
and 5.0 performs better for sharing
I want version 4.8 !