Spontanious Rebooting Also My system has the spontanoius reboot troubles too. I am running broadband, on an AMD processor, 256 MB Ram, on Windows 2000 PRofessional, and I also had this problem when i ran Windows 2000 Server.
I would be about to do a new search, or change Xolox screens and POOF! It reboots. It seems to go by too fast to get the error message, but Xolox is the common denominator for sure.
What happened to the old Xolox i knew and loved. Version 1 or some such thing. No Adware and it never crashed. It also seemed to get a hell of a lot better search results. Then Xolox shut down for a while. Oh well. It still beats those virus progs desguised as Kasaa and such. Even good old Limewire sold out.
Have a nice day. |