Thread: @#%^ Stuff it
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Old July 8th, 2002
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MacTerminator MacTerminator is offline
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Generally speaking , Stuffit Expander comes with the system and can be found in the Applications=>Utilities Folder. It's also usually installed with Explorer. Try typing command F and searching for 'stuffit' or 'stuffit expander' in Sherlock.

If you really don't have it or have an old version (5.5 or earlier) , you can down load the latest version here.

Once you've got it, it's a good idea to have it on the desktop. To do this, click on the Stuffit icon, type command M and drag the alias to the desktop. Then, when you download any .sit, .bin, .hqx or .zip files , you should drag them directly onto the stuffit icon.

Last edited by MacTerminator; July 8th, 2002 at 02:07 PM.
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