Thread: illegal files
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Old July 10th, 2002
Dividend Dividend is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: January 12th, 2002
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I'll bet 90% of all people sharing files on Gnutella or FastTrack are sharing at least one illegal file. Seeing as how millions of people have downloaded these programs, there's very little chance that he will even be noticed. The only ID a person is given when using the Gnutella network is a number like, and that takes some real detective work and a few nasty e-mails to translate that into a real person's name. The fact that the files were only on for a small amount of time and there are people sharing 10,000 files 24/7 means that the RIAA could care less about somebody with 30 or less files on for an hour. So, relax
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