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Old June 10th, 2001
konrad_h konrad_h is offline
Phex Developer
Join Date: August 7th, 2000
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Posts: 122
konrad_h is flying high


Browsing remote hosts with a real multi-platform-client isnīt so easy:

Phex has to try to start your browser, whatever browser this might be and whatever operating system this might be. As you can clearly see there are innumerably combinations ot browsers and OSs. To get it done anyway we implemented an external java-class that wil open the right browser on most systems, but of course it simply canīt function on all of them. And as Mac OSx is so new the class doesnīt seem to support it yet. To really support browsing on ALL platforms we would have to integrate a complete browser into Phex directly, but if I think about how complicated this would be I start to feel slightly dizzy. Perhaps we will do it anyway, but I wouldnīt expect it too soon.
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