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Old July 15th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
I hope this server isn't a mocrosoft product, looking through another sites logs, is it really this easy to hack into a microsoft server?
Everyone else uses NT (a microsoft product), if you can't beat them then be a cow and join the rest of the idiots.
OSX rocks.
Your are a real as*!! If you are running ANY OS you can break in to them. Windows NT or W2k (because it is a Microsoft) it has been popular to break into. It just the childish behavior, lash out to anyone that is bigger or have more money than you. As we can see in today world, sue anyone that you think will have some money or insurance. “I will try to get something for free, without any work. So, where is the lawyer that will help me?”.
You behaving exactly like a cow, and do exactly like the cow you are so afraid off!! Mo, mo…
And you know the same as I know that both Linux and Novell system is vulnerably for attacks too, that INCLUDES Mac. So be a nice boy/girl and behave now… LOL
Ever heard (mo, mo. hehe) off Firewalls and virusprotection?
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