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Old July 15th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered

That company is now building a large network of nodes that will tap into peer-to-peer
networks such as Kazaa or Gnutella, in theory overwhelming this small group of content with
false files, CEO Ralph Clark said. That network will be online late this year or early in 2003,
Clark said. "
Large network of nodes?
Shareaza nodes?
2003? thats about right for it to be that popular by then.
Follow the money trail.

Our old friend Taliban had a vision about this
But at least for once, Vinnie and Adam aren't the bad guys in this story........... Anyway Mike still has to tap into the Kazaa network
Het algemeen gnutella forum in Nederlands

Last edited by RaaF; July 15th, 2002 at 03:07 PM.
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