- why can I succesfully download via a BS ultrapeer in shareaza but never in LW
All ultrapeers do is relaying messages, like queries or search results. They have absolutely nothing to do with your downloads.
instead what I find is that the volatility actually increases and the only solution is to exit LW and open up again to take advantage of the burst of connections I start with that then diminish to the point of complete disappearance
If you keep restarting LimeWire you will not get many stable connections. The best approach is, to leave it running for a while. If LimeWire doesn't seem to stay connected on its own (without reconnecting it), your uploads are probably using up most of your outgoing bandwidth, so most of the incoming gnutella messages are dropped (that can cause the connection to be dropped after a while) or you are keeping too many gnutella connections which might cause the same problem.