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Old July 17th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default What's the deal with JAVA??

I don't know anything about writing software. I just use it. I'm a MAC (OS 9.2.2) and a PC (windows 98) user. I absolutely prefer the MAC for everything except file sharing software. Lime Wire for the MAC works, but it is highly unstable compared to the software that’s available on the PC. It seems that most of the crashes and general problems that I’ve researched here on this forum are due to the fact that Lime Wire is written in JAVA language. I’m sure that JAVA has it’s benefits. But I suggest that someone write a version in “normal MAC” language so that I can download files on my MAC instead of on my clunky PC, and so that all MAC users could have “normal” file sharing software without all the problems that JAVA causes.

Once again, I know NOTHING about writing software. But I do know that I would pay a decent amount of money (much more than $9.50 for no ad banners) for a version like that.

This is just my opinion....
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