Originally posted by Krieger88
I don't think the network really is that volatile. And even if it was, the spynode wouldn't have to gather all that information in one session since your client has an unique servent id, that will allow to identify it, even after its IP has changed. They could track you for weeks, before they finally think they've gathered enough information. |
I think it is pretty volatile I personally have never stayed in touch with one single Ultrapeer for longer then 15 minutes maximum so using the spynode approach to catch individual big sharers will probably take them atleast a couple of weeks to gather enough Query Hit messages like lets say a couple of thousand of them(so they have to spend alot of $$$$).And yes you are correct each servent do have a unique servent ID but I am not exactly sure if that ID is a steady one or if it changes everytime you restart your client using the Microsoft GUID system.Maybe you know better about that?
You cannot identify hostile hosts. The spynode could use any user agent string without anyone ever recognizing the spynode. It's not a crime to spoof a user agent string. |
Yes that is true but I think that the Gnutella developers are working one some kind of thrusted node system that will help alleviate this probably not entirely but atleast make it harder for them to do so.
Advertising a huge index of stolen copyrighted material is proof enough for most ISPs to send their users a notice when the RIAA tells them to, and the ISP can shut you down, even it is not entirely proven that you actually uploaded those files. And if they did so, what are you going to do? Sue them? (You'd better not if you don't want your computer confiscated by the local police.) |
Yes the QueryHits is probably evidence enough these days since the introduction of the 0.6 Gnutella protocol and its implimentation of the Bearshare extended QueryHit message that also contains a trailer message with amongst other things a flag indicating how many uploads from a servent that has been succesfull.And If I where under investigation I would probably receive a letter from my ISP varning me and actually I would prefer to receive such a letter so that I know what is happening so that I could remove my shares of Gnutella(After all I do not want to loose my Internet connection).Lets just hope that I will be among the lucky ones as most people will be personally I think that the RIAA are a bunch of lazy people and that they will most likely target their efforts against US citizens so I think I am more safe and so are you.
And I think you should face reality. No judge would honestly believe you if you said you were just advertising this huge index of stolen copyrighted material to steal more copyrighted material and you weren't actually uploading anything. This is not only about proof. If a bomb explodes in your local mall and you happened to have bought the ingredients for that bomb, you go to jail, no matter what you did. |
This is irrelevant know since I now know that the QueryHit messages is all the evidence they need.
NO need to use such harch language!And you are correc they do not have to Browse my Shared directory to get evidence but I still think that they are lazy enough to use this method instead of the spy node tactic since that option will cost them much more and give them alot of work.Warner Music used the Browse Host method when performing a Interdiction attack against me which I wrote about in this thread:
http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showth...threadid=13401 Quote:
That's it. Okay, I really don't get it. Are you dumb or something? Somebody tells you that freeloader blocking does not work as you expected and what do you do? YOU SIMPLY MAKE SOMETHING UP, AND SAY THAT'S WHY IT WORKS AS I THOUGHT! You are unbelievable. I have the source code on my hard drive. I read the source code. I edited the source code and never it occurred to me, that LimeWire would ever reject a HTTP connection without even sending an error code. Not to mention that the algorithm you described wouldn't even work, since you don't necessarily receive many pongs at all and identifying a client according to their IP number is anything but safe.
The freeloader algorithm is in StandardMessageRouter.java in the method handlePingReplyForMe() and in HTTPUploader.java in the readHeader() method and all it does is killing uploads to browsers (identified by their user string) and killing gnutella connections to hosts not sharing files. |
You are correct that that Algorithm that I described do not work but the antifreeloader function does work anyway since pong messages with a less value then 20 files in shared directory will be rejected to connect to me over Gnutella so that means that my files will not show up in their search results.But I guess that this function is not bullet proof since I sometimes in my Monitor window see people that will initiate a http connection but the status will then imediatelly be File Not Found but I guess that many freeloaders are lucky enough not to send a pong message to me during a transfer so they will recieve the 200 OK value anyway and complete the download.Well it would be cool if the algorithm I described earlier did work.Maybe some genius could impliment it somehow in a future release of the Gnutella protocoll.
I would like to thank you for spiking me into seek out new knowledge of the Gnutella protocoll.Previously I had an extensive knowledge about the clients and a generall understanding of the Gnutella protocoll but now I know that had some knowledge gaps about some particular parts of the protocoll that I have now filled.
By the way I have looked at some of your posts on the forum and sometimes you are logged in as guest and sometimes as member.It is better if you are always logged in with your member account.
Since the facts in the previous posts are incorrect I am thinking of maybe delete this poll and re-write a new more accurate one.!