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Old June 11th, 2001
GregorK GregorK is offline
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 9th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 988
GregorK is flying high
Default Re: PHEX 0.50 No Go On Wi*** at least

Ok here is my comment about some of your issues.

V0.50 stuffs up some buffers after some time, and no connections are possible any more. Not even when using V046, or other Gnutella clients and the PC has to be rebooted to get Gnutella clients working again (browser still work though).
This sounds Java releated to me. Maybe you are not using the latest J2SE version? Phex has not enough influence on the system to prevent other clients from running. Only if you use the same port for all clients...


- Can no longer select a bunch of hosts manually and connect (which is quite good in V046).
It seems to now really only like what is specified in Network Setup = Very slow to find good hosts.
I don't know where the problem is since we didn't change anything in this piece of code. But I would like to improve the host selector anyway. Let's see what the other developers are saying about it.


- It's hit count in the share window is totally impossible, showing far too many hits than could be possible.
No definitely not ;-) 0.4.6 showed not the real number... it had a bug in this area and also the Phex search strategy changed from AND to OR compare. This is the real count trust me. The best way you try it is to connect just to one host that is running on your local machine. And submit some searches. If you find anything I would be happy if you tell me...

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