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Old July 18th, 2002
Tzaddi28thPath Tzaddi28thPath is offline
Join Date: July 8th, 2002
Posts: 8
Tzaddi28thPath is flying high

I guess that would depend on which program you and the person your recieving the file from use. I use gnucleus and have had 20-30 partials at a time and I would just refresh then attempt to download again and if it finds the compatable host woo hoo if not try try again, If after a few days or how ever long you want to wait they still havent done anything I would delete them and research them completely and start over, theres a more info button if your using gnucleus that might tell you the reason the d/l stopped in the first place. I've had several that almost finished then suddenly stopped and the reason was varied but when I tried to continue it said host doesn't have resume capability or something to that effect. good luck anyways!
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