PHEX 5.0 Hi Gregor,
Wy is it PHEX 5.0? Shouldn't it be 0.50???
I am having too so many problems with PHEX 5.0 from startup, that I can no longer use this new version. Very sad. Cause I really like (and continue to use) V0.46.
It is not the speed of my computer (300MHz), nor my RAM (64MB), with no other progs. running. Or shouldn't be.
I explain a bit in layterms what happens:
It starts up fine (using the batch file (jre java V1.3).
It looks for hosts, finds some and when connected to one, then goes haywire!
Heaps of data goes out, about 5-6 times more than comes in.
My modem can't handle it and stops data from the PC, just like on a normal file upload.
In a short while I had about 160K going in and 800K going
That was with no searches, no down or uploads!
Only one connection established, one more being tried.
When I killed the established connections, the data flow stopped instantly and it went on looking for more hosts to connect to.
The 'Bytes/Sec' display in the Settings window is also totally upset with outgoing data. It should only display incoming data, but seems to display both, cause it is way to high. Showing >6000bytes/sec, when it is only about 1200 coming in.
The 'haywire' going and huge outgoing data happens on and off.
There are not a real great deal of packets coming in or going out. The numbers displayed on the hosts connected to look very normal and about twice as many come in than go out.
All the above happened with only outgoing connections established, no incoming.
There is on and off blinking hosts in host catcher, the blue line jumping up and down, worse even, when I manually select a number of them and hit 'connect'.
I cannot or don't want to continue trying out searches or downloads, cause the erratic connection behavior occurs and continues on and off even after successfull connections to hosts (2 in my case).
Other problems I had before, like stuffing my internet data flow, buffer running out, slow program reaction etc. became good, after removing all the 'phex...' files in the Windows directory before starting this new version.
I also tried to limit the max. bandwidth in Network setup, but it causes other problems, even in V0.46, like very slow searches with less results.
I will try other versions of PHEX in the future, and hope I still can use them with my present Wi***, 300MHz, 64MB RAM, cause I think it has great potential.
Until then I will use V0.46 and try others (Gnucleus becomes quite sophistated too, but the present V1.32 crashes very easily).
Hope my feedback is seen as help and not criticism.
It mustn't be easy to get these things go on so many different PC setups & operating systems.
JD |