Hmmm...well, it doesn't explode, but it doesn't work either. Limewire simply refuses to open.
Here is what I did: After StuffIt unzipped the archive, the files were all text docs. I changed the two files you mentioned above to the type and creator of their originals: ZIP (with a hidden character somewhere, but that copies and pastes) and java.
After I substituted these new files for their originals, I got the following error message:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.Main
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(Compiled Code)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(Unknown Source)
at n(
Krieger, don't you have a Mac friend somewhere with whom you can test this out? There are lots in Germany, you know!

I don't want to spend all my time swatting Morpheus and Gnucleus ultrapeers!