Schade. We Mac users are charming and intelligent people with classy looking computers

It's just that our Java version is antique.
When I replaced the files I had substituted, things returned to normal, so incorrect path or no, LW found its way back.
I should also note that there are two issues being confused here by some posters. 1) the Morpheus ultrapeer issue, where a Morpheus UP doesn't give you search results but floods your computer with searches such as ".avi", "mpg", or "porn". and 2) Morpheus users, who have the reputation for not sharing files.
The second issue, as far as I am concerned, is already taken care of by LW preferencing. The first concerns me far more, which is why I wish I could install Krieger's little fix.
Otherwise, I think any user has the right to determine who does and does not connect to his/her computer.