Originally posted by GregorK also the Phex search strategy changed from AND to OR compare. |
Yikes! No wonder people are having trouble. IMHO search terms should be AND'ed - otherwise there's *no* way to narrow results. The network becomes flooded with mostly irrelevent search results. If I search for "Foo Bar 32" I don't want to see results that just have "Foo" or "32" in the filename - this is just wasteful.
As it is, one problem most Gnutella clients have is ignoring small search terms (like the "32" above). The idea may be to supress "greedy" searches, but when combined with other more specific terms, it should narrow results instead. As it is now, If I search for, say, episode 23 of a video, it's impossible to narrow the search - instead I'll usually get anything with the show's title and the number is ignored.
The goal should be to reduce search traffic not increase it. Those times when you really do want an OR, just do multiple searches - it would actually generate less traffic than if every peer assumes OR by default.