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Old July 22nd, 2002
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Joakim Agren Joakim Agren is offline
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Join Date: June 4th, 2002
Location: Örebro Sweden
Posts: 366
Joakim Agren is flying high

Originally posted by igalan

Here with 512/128 Kbps ADSL seldom do I reach 40 KB/s in one download... The maximum speed is 60 KB/s (512 Kbps / 8b = 64 KB/s), not 150 KBps (the speed is in bits per second, not Bytes!).
Also 128 Kbps for the uplink is very low, this is a maximum of 16 KB/s. It's better a cable with symmetric channels .

I have a ADSL connection with the following official speed :512Kbits/sec downstream and 400Kbits/sec Upstream.However Since the software used on my ISP's Proxy Server to restrict bandwith for private individuals does not work effectivly against Mac Users I am able to get even better speeds up to 800Kbits/sec both Up and Down.

People are able to get up to 760Kbits/sec when downloading(Uploading from my side) from me (I use LimeWire 2.4.4).And I have under optimal conditions been able to download at a speed of 650Kbits/sec.

One of the advantages using a broadband connection is that the Upload and the Download speed is separated this mean that if someone is downloading from you it does not affect your own download speed.

The way you count the Byte size is incorrect.

Sure on storage mediums like HD'sa and CD's 1Byte=8bits but when counting Bytes from bits over network transmissions 1Byte=10bits

This is because data is sent as packages and each package is assigned an extra double bit so 1Byte becomes 10bits.This means that 128Kbits=12.8KB/sec
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!
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