Sorry that it did not work.I only have a few more suggestions to try:
1.Make Sure that you installed MRJ 2.2.5 at the correct place(Macintosh HD>Applications(Mac OS 9)>Programs and Accessorys(or something similar)>Mac OS Runtime For Java
And also make sure that you have assigned 30000k of preffered memory to it.
1.Make sure that LimeWire is installed at its proper location Macintosh HD>Applications (Mac OS 9)>LimeWire
And make sure that atleast 40000K of preferred memory is assigned to it.
You might wonder why is the location important?
Well I dont know exactly but I do know that I have encountered some really strange problems with LimeWire by installing it in the wrong place(Just for fun).It's weird but it might just work by changing its location to the proper place.
And know to one final desperate action that might solve your problem:
Close all open applications
Go here:
Apple menu>Control Panels>Appearance control panel
Here check the following:
1. Click the Fonts tab.
2. Choose a font from the Views Font pop-up menu, and a point size from the Size pop-up menu. The default setting in Mac OS 9 is Geneva 10-point. Select Charcoal for large system fonts and Geneva for the others and ofcourse in the small text field select 10 points as the size.
3. Close the Appearance control panel.
Now Re start your computer and see if it worked.
If did not then I have now clue to what is wrong.But you should check the inegrity of your HD using a disk utility.And ofcourse rebuild desktop and zap PRAM.
__________________ <img src="http://www.jordysworld.de/emoticons/blob16.gif">Sincerely Joakim Agren! |