Now as we know the 0.6 handshaking is like this:
Client Server
User-Agent: BearShare<cr><lf>
Query-Routing: 0.2<cr><lf>
GNUTELLA/0.6 200 OK<cr><lf>
User-Agent: BearShare<cr><lf>
Query-Routing: 0.1<cr><lf>
BearShare-Data: 5ef89a<cr><lf>
GNUTELLA/0.6 200 OK<cr><lf>
BearShare-Data: a04fce<cr><lf>
One thing:
What is the third message, the GNUTELLA/0.6 200 OK of the client for? Just a confirmation? I dont know but it looks quite useless to me. The server would see if the socket is disconnected if the client doesnt want to connect.
Quite lame question,
please dont flame