You actually need to install limewire with java. I used the newer version of java 1.3.1 which is kinda big (14.1 Mb) if you have a 56k. You can get it at
You will also need the file.
Then as someone else said,
Install jre 1.3.1.
Download file.
From within xinit or gnome open xterm, change to the directory you downloaded to, and type:
"sh" (with out quotes), hit enter.
Type: "/usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java -cp install" (with out quotes), hit enter.
I've found that it's best to type something similar to the following:
/usr/java/jre1.3.1/bin/java -cp /(Directory where you want it)/ install
The installer loads and just follow on screen instructions.
As with most of my applications, this one decided to fight me, and I had to back out one directory (/..) to get it to put the files where I want them to.
This method works for root, as I haven't sorted out the connect problem that many others seem to be having. But something is better than nothing.