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Old July 27th, 2002
mad max
Posts: n/a
Question How do I know if I've become a ultrapeer?

I got a bunch of questions, answers to any appreciated.
  • When I re-installed gnucleus just now, I noticed that the download numbers (bottom right corner of the window) which used to average 0.05kb/sec when idle, has suddenly shot up to 15kb/sec, similarly, the upload numbers went up to 20Kb/sec.

    These are the readings in IDLE mode, nothing is uppin or downing, but the numbers are still up. What happened? Did I become a ultrapeer? Everything still looks the same. What's happening here?

    In one post, someone said that a node doesn't promote to ultrapeer unless there is 512K + upload. I have a cable modem, but I'm nowhere near that speed - and this PC runs win98!
  • My other issue is with the stats window. Mine doesn't seem to work at all?!? Almost everything reads "zero". Some IP numbers change on the firstpane, every other pane shows nothing. I ticked ping, pong, query, everything. Still nothing. This has always been like that, even before the re-install.

    Other clients have very detailed stats windows, but gnucleus does not show anything. What's up?
  • Why do I have to re-install gnucleus so often? ??? Every re-install means that the lists of hosts gets erased, and I have to start from zero again. Does anyone else have this problem?
  • When the initial connect happens and it says "undetermined at 0.00kb/sec", the entire computer slows down for upto a minute. Things return to normal when the download / upload gets going. A lot of gnucleus crashes came because of this slowdown phase.

    Is there anything I can do to change settings to prevent this slowdown?

Thanks for all replies.
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