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Old July 27th, 2002
enormus enormus is offline
Join Date: July 27th, 2002
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 3
enormus is flying high
Thumbs down Dishonesty

I understand that linking to advertising keeps Xolox free. However, like others I detest the pop-under windows. They would be far less problematic as tabs within Xolox. This is an annoying trend as even Yahoo has stooped to pop-under windows. I think Xolox should offer a "pro" version for a $20 or $30 registration fee to eliminate the banner ads AND the pop-under windows completely.

Worse yet, I believe that Xolox is responsible for or at least participating in the rash of Porn Bombs out there (see my post in the "WARNING (Porn Bombs) *.zip, *.rar, *.asf thread - I wouldn't be surprised if there are actually only 5 files out there and that the Xolox client itself is "translating" the filenames on your own machine to match just about any search you do. This is just out and out dishonest, particularly since it says right on the front page "We make the following promise to you: XoloX contains No spyware, no sneakware, no hijackware. " I would classify these bombs as a virus. Xolox is the best Gnutella client I've yet used. I would hate to forced to look elsewhere for a client if this trend continues.

Last edited by enormus; July 27th, 2002 at 01:55 PM.