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Old July 28th, 2002
clubbkrazed clubbkrazed is offline
Join Date: July 27th, 2002
Location: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 15
clubbkrazed is flying high
Default Highspeed

See I think Kazaa and Morpheus had one good thing about them, the fact that you can d/l from a multiple of users, not just one. I think that the programers would find that alot more ppl would join if they somehow found a way to do the same thing.... I know this is only my second day on this thing but I've been d/ling hard to find mp3's for a long time. I mean before Napster I used FTP's all the time. Then I went to Winmx which sucked, then I went to Audiogalaxy but now they are dead in the water. I mean Audiogalaxy was great for me cause I could find rare and underground stuff. Kazaa and Morpheus were great cause you d/l from more than one person... and if you had that you wouldn't need a highspeed only section...

but then I'm still new and have no Idea what the hell I'm talking about so I'll shut up

anyways you all have a fun day and try to do something really stupid that makes other ppl laugh....


Last edited by clubbkrazed; July 28th, 2002 at 07:30 AM.