I am totally against filtering of search results.I like to get more search results for files that I did not originally request.The reason is because if we would start to filter out results then we will be missing out alot and only the mainstream artists would be found and detected.Gnutella offers more unknown artists the potentional to get listened to more and get a bigger audience then they would have been able to in the old days before Gnutella and the any word approach in the Query Hits is the method that makes this possible.
Also I know that many heavy users of Gnutella like myself usually during the waiting for a file to complete its download(that I originally was looking for) starts to browse the search result list just to see if there is anything interessting there that you might want to check out.I have personally found lots of great stuff this way that I never would have detected if the Query Hits would have been filtered.
So I think it should remain the way it is if it is changed then we will be missing out on alot of great stuff that we would have never searched for in the first place.It is good for us and it is good for all the unknown artists out there.
__________________ <img src="http://www.jordysworld.de/emoticons/blob16.gif">Sincerely Joakim Agren!
Last edited by Joakim Agren; July 28th, 2002 at 12:10 PM.