My name is Steve, and this is my story. Hey peoples.
I'll cut to the chase: I've been using XoloX over this last weekend, and I've noticed horrible download speeds. Before you pass judgement, though, consider this:
1. My upload speed is on max
2. It's not my computer. Previous to this I used gnutella networks, specifically WinMX, then KaZaA. I left them for reasons I shant address here.
3. No-one is uploading from me, or at least listed in the upload window.
4. When I check on the status of my connection, I notice my computer is downloading something massive, taking almost all of my bandwith. It is also uploading quite a bit too. I have MEGS unaccounted for. (spooky...)
5. XoloX keeps giving me these fatal errors. In fact, this is my second attempt writing this. During the first attempt, Xolox gave me a fatal error message, I closed it as I successfully had done in the past. Next thing I know, my computer is battered, slaughtered, massacered with pop-up windows (at least 150).
This is all VERY spooky to me (especially the mysterious upload'n download'n part) and I would love some input, or fellow stories, or best yet, advice.
Steve |