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Old July 29th, 2002
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Ironman Ironman is offline
Join Date: June 23rd, 2002
Location: If you find out let me know. I would kind of like to find out where I am at too.
Posts: 65
Ironman is flying high

I'm not sure if it is Xolox that is the cause of ther error message. I have WinXP and it is a tempermental operating system. Many programs do not like to function properly with it. I too have been getting the error messages with 1.21 but I have gotten error messages with several programs with XP. I think that the fix for other OS caused a problem for XP users. If you go into the properties tab for Xolox and click on the combatiblity tab. Then set Xolox to run with Win2k or WinME compatability to see if that corrects it.