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Old July 30th, 2002
Jwin Jwin is offline
Join Date: July 30th, 2002
Posts: 1
Jwin is flying high

Ive notice the very same thing.
I search for a file and it shows up in the search display, I double click on it to download that file, only once did I ever get a file I selected to start downloading and even then it was to slow of a transfer rate to continue. So I aborted it.

This program has some features that I like. Being able to do multiple search and have it them stay open in a tab so I can come back to it later. Being able to type in a web adress and surf the web, thats cool.

There are some other feature I would like to see added. but if they are trying to keep it simple then thats cool.

But first of all lets get the program working up to par. I havent been satisfied at all.

Anyone know what the deal is ? Im not behind a firewall and I have high speed internet eccess.

I ll check back often to read the foruns, I would really like to see what this program has to offer.
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