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Old July 31st, 2002
bad_vlad bad_vlad is offline
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Default How do you sleep at night Hilary ?

When George Orwell wrote 1984 one of the most prescient aspects of the tale was his discussion of how language is used to make it difficult to think outside the party line which invariably was that black was white - if Orwell could see Hilary Rosen and the RIAA in action how horrified he'd surely feel

Hilary argues that legalising hacking the computers of people using p2p software is only 'fair' given that 'pirates' are stealing money from starving artists that she and RIAA are working hard to nurture and that the majors are being prevented from developing internet based services because companies like LW are drawing away customers from the 'legitimate' services the majors want to offer

its an ugly joke !!! - RIAA etc have devoted huge resources to attacking their own client base with the longer term aim of making the gnutella network unusable and thereby forcing people back into the situation of having to pay exorbitant amounts of money to kiss the loathsome beast that is their preferred business model

The really awful aspect of it all is just how good at saying black is white Hilary actually is - way good enough to fool the average person who is not interested enough in the issues to take the time to get across it all

To be as good at it as she is Hilary MUST know what she's doing - its almost impossible to avoid the conclusion that she's decided 'lifes not a rehersal' and doing what she does means being unbelievably well paid and having a superbly comfortable life for herself and her family -

I truly hope that at 2 am some dark and lonely nights she finds herself reflecting on what she's doing and is ashamed

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