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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2002
Posts: n/a

Would you mind then explaining your views on international copyright laws? Or the extent of "fair use"? I imagine this woman sleeps as well at night as you do. We all compose narratives around ambiguous situations so that we are invariably the hero.

I find it amusing the high moral stance some people take as the adversarial relationship between the music industry and consumers increases. I personally have bought far more CD's since I started stealing it, and I can't imagine that the industry doesn't realize this. Conflicts, however, always obscure the truth, which is rarely black and white in the first place.

I noticed that Austrailia struck a blow for the consumer, at least in Oz, by denying Sony certain proprietary rights, while the UK upheld a similar suit. It will be interesting how this all comes out.
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