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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2001
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Thumbs down

You are right, you could have it check CNET or other sites once a week to see if there is a new version available, no need for remote packet control.
You are right again, man you are good!
You are so right for making a little click box on the settings screen that shuts this check off so that smart non drug users can act like adults and check for themselves.
You are just so right!
It's right to not remote control peoples programs with packets no one really knows what is in them or what they really do for sure. You would have to be a fool to think people would put up with that for a minute, you are so right!
You are right that there would be no end to the bad karma you would produce from something like that, not to mention all the bad press you would get till you took it out. You may be right in thinking that even a large public company might never recover from bad press like that and that any smart CEO or even a janitor would have fixed it right away, no sane person would let something like that linger on and on, you are right again!
Thanks for being such a great programmer and developer and seeing all this from a users point of view instead of the way most shut-in control freak power trip never see the light of day little twit programmers that lock users into "their way or the highway". Don't you just hate that?
It's so nice to see highly trained, seasoned professional adult programmers understand the privacy issues invloved and make changes fast when this sort of thing comes up. You are so right that open source is the way to go to prevent misuse of gnutella by greedy interests.
Thanks again, and you are right!
Man, you are so cool! keep up the great work! thanks! wow! thumbs up! dude! man, dude! you da man!
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