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Old August 1st, 2002
Krieger88 Krieger88 is offline
Join Date: July 4th, 2002
Posts: 274
Krieger88 is flying high

Hi Adam,
I'm curious, what you are going to implement next. Could you please give us a quick preview of LimeWire 2.6? I know that you are working on non-blocking IO for Java 1.4 users (which as far as I do understand, will not improve the network itself significantly) and out-of-band replies (IMHO a very good idea).

Do you plan on implementing upload queues soon? I think it would be a great addition since it could really reduce the amount of requeries sent through the network while dramatically increasing the download success rate.

What does LimeWire think about partial file sharing. It'd be certainly useful for larger files. Do you expect it to be implemented soon?

How about gnutella weblinks? There are already a few websites offering links directing to files on the gnutella network via magnet-uris. I suspect integrating different browsers with java to implement one-click gnutella links is probably a little complicated, but I'd be already content with the possibility to copy the weblink, paste it into LimeWire and hit the "Add To Wishlist" button.

Another great feature that I would really, really love to see, would be the ability to run the LimeWire core in daemon mode, accessing it through a graphical frontend (possibly even from a remote computer) or even accessing the core from a webbrowser (with some kind of middleware mediating between browser and limewire core, - possibly a browser plugin). I believe it would be a great addition, if you could just click on a gnutella weblink, a go!zilla-like window pops up, showing you the progress of your download and a few minutes (hours, days,...) later the file is on your disk.

Maybe the last one is nothing for the next point release, but how about the other features: partial filesharing, upload queues and weblinks?
