You should not blaim LW users in particular but all clients users on Gnutella that selects bad file names even false ones sometimes and also ofcourse the lack of some users efforts to check their shares in their directory.
The 32 character limit for us Macintosh users is not a problem when selecting file names in LimeWire that are actually Meta Data in itself.The File name displayed when someone has searched for one of your files is not the real file name that that file has on your HD.Instead it is the File Name that are displayed in the Library.Here you can edit the file name to be something completely different from what it is named on the HD itself also it can have more characters then 32.However you should be aware of that once you changes the name for a file in the Library it will also change to a different strange name on the HD(Usually the beginning of the file name will be the same as it was before but the rest will be some strange characters like numbers and hashes).
One problem that can occur when changing the name for a file in the Library is that if you have a playlist in your MP3 player all the files (MP3 songs)that where renamed will be unplayable because the path to the file where broken so you have to manually look up the files again and restore the path to these particular files before you can play them again.To do that in iTunes do the following highlight the file in question and then hold down the control key and then click the mouse button and from the contextual menu that appears select Play.You will now reacieve a prompt that tell you that it cannot find the file and you will be asked if you want to find the file select yes and then browse to it and click OK and you are done now that particular file is once again playable.Repeat this procedure with all the files that where renamed(broken paths are in iTunes indicated with an ! mark before the file name).
The above described procedure is for iTunes if you are using another player or OS it will be different.
__________________ <img src="http://www.jordysworld.de/emoticons/blob16.gif">Sincerely Joakim Agren!
Last edited by Joakim Agren; August 2nd, 2002 at 11:58 AM.