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Old August 2nd, 2002
afisk afisk is offline
LimeWire Developer
Join Date: May 7th, 2001
Location: New York
Posts: 691
afisk is flying high


That link is working for me. Does it work for you now? 2.5.5 does not include the new statistics in the library -- that feature will be added with the next version. LimeWire 2.5.5 primarily fixes a number of bugs that were found in 2.5.4, mostly having to do with changes we've made to the HTTP uploads. 2.5.5 should also exhibit significant performance improvements if you're sharing a large number of files.

The only new feature that 2.5.5 adds is one that will not be apparent to the users -- we now make HTTP HEAD requests to all uploaders once a downloader has finished completing a download. This allows the downloader to inform all uploaders of alternate locations for the file, including itself. This also allows the uploaders to notify the downloader of any new alternate locations that they have identified since the downloader made its original request. Basically, this version propagates the "download mesh" significantly more than earlier versions, ultimately making downloading more reliable for everyone!