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Old August 2nd, 2002
Krieger88 Krieger88 is offline
Join Date: July 4th, 2002
Posts: 274
Krieger88 is flying high

Here's the latest LimeWire from cvs, now showing how many results your client has sent for each file you share. It might still show you some error messages if it is hashing files, - just click them away, they don't matter.

Although I knew that LimeWire was sending out lot's of queryhits, I was still astonished by the amount. - A spynode can have a list of all your shares within a minute without even bothering to browse your host.

Changes include:
- shows numbers of alternate locations / upload attempts / successful uploads & queryhits sent for each file
- does only send queryhits while there are upload slots available

It's usable, however there might still occur some errors.
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