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Old March 26th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Question "Other Platforms" version -- how do I start LimeWire directly from the JRE?


I've worked for some time with the Windows-installed version of LimeWire on Win2k, but I'm a bit of a Java geek :-) and would like to get the "Pure Java" version ("Other") to work as well.

Now, as far as <em>installation</em> is concerned, everything is well documented and works fine, with the <code>install</code> class in <code></code> and all. But I've found no documentation at all on how to actually <em>invoke</em> the LimeWire UI application directly from the JRE, the code is pretty well obfuscated, and I don't really have the nerve to just look for the right class by trial and error.

So any hints on what class actually contains that magical <code>main</code> method are greatly appreciated. :-)

Take care,
-- Florian
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