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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a

im currently using expander 6.5.1... could it have something to do with a missing resourse file? I tried res-editing the file, and it gave me an error saying that the file didnt have a resourse fork. If i get info for file type, it gives me some garbage about a TEXT dosa file or something like that.

if i try opening the file in expander (both windows and macintosh versions) it says the file is corrupt and asks me if i want to continue. If i click on yes, it does nothing. I seriously find it very hard to believe that *every* .sit file i download is corrupt. Is there any kind of checksum / repair utility for .sit files?? i mean-- EVERY file?? thats kind of rediculous. and it doesnt even happen with .dmg (OSX) files... i dont get it

p.s. i have tried opening the files in both OSX and os 9.1 on 2 different computers.. both with no luck.
thanks again

-aj in CT
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