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Old August 4th, 2002
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Default LimeWire will not stay connected!!

I just purchased LimeWire Pro and LimeWire will not stay connected to Gnutella. Sometimes LimeWire little light on the bottom left of the screen is red and sometimes it is green with the note that I am sharing all my files. In fact that is what is happening now.
1. The bar on the top of the screen reads
'LimeWire running the Gnutella network(Discon- nected/No files available).'
2. The button on the bottom left is green and is indicating I am sharing my files.
3. When I click on the 'Connections' icon it is showing I have 4 active connections 2 are incoming and 2 are outgoing. All 4 of the connectins read in the Vendor colum as 'LimeWire@versio...' and then there is no more room on the screen.
I bought LimeWire Pro because I thought I would get better performance.
I believe this is a LimeWire problem and not a Gnutella or firewall problem.
I have tried and tried to change my settings but nothing works!! PLEASE PLEASE WON'T SOMEBODY HELP ME?!!
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